JULY 2023

Raúl Cerillo’s creations are characterized by the construction of surfaces with multiple layers of paint, acquiring a three-dimensional appearance. Each piece, according to the artist, is traced as a "path or trail" that leads the viewer to come face to face with a portrait of his mind. Each layer of paint, line, and figure that is hidden or highlighted in his works invites us to reflect on how data, ideas, feelings, and critical positions accumulate in his mind. The artist finds inspiration in his inexhaustible curiosity to understand the world around him. His creative exercise transcends limits and overflows, as does his desire to share his cosmogony with the public, raising awareness and transmitting the knowledge he has acquired. His work reflects the knowledge acquired on mother cultures, ancestral philosophy, and theories on the origin of life and the universe. This knowledge can be controversial or underestimated by Western conservative thought, however, it is there where the artist finds his answers.

Transhumanism (1), the title that the artist has chosen for his exhibition becomes the central axis. It is about the idea of a human being who lives 500 years, who improves, regenerates, does not suffer, evolves, and becomes stronger every time, all this in conjunction with technology. In his series Paleofuturismo, 2023, the artist presents a series of sculptures inspired by the Aztec, Olmec, and Mayan cultures, which are intervened with elements that provide us with clues about the past and future of humanity. These sculptures include QR codes that are integrated into their ancient appearance of gods, such as Ah Muzenkab, the protector of honey, and the Melipona Maya bee. This insect does not sting and is in danger of extinction, it has survived for centuries and continues to pollinate thousands of species on our planet, challenging the Darwinian idea of survival of the strongest.

In addition to Paleofuturismo, 2023, the exhibition presents two other representative series of the work of Raúl Cerrillo. The first, Lenguaje Del Agua, 2023, which was made during his artist residency in Miami, in which, with his characteristic style self-described contemporary baroque, the artist creates abstract images that allude to cruise ships at sea. Through his works, you can appreciate the chimneys, reflections, and other characteristic elements of these impressive ships. The second, Transhumanism, 2023, is made up of pieces that are reconfigured, perfected, and refuse to cease to exist. Cerillo has collected tablets from various sources, such as a yoga studio, charged with the energy of all the people who have meditated on them. These boards have been used by the artist for paint tests and have been in storage for years. Now, in this exhibition, these tables come back to life, integrating themselves as part of new works that see the light today in CAM Galería.

1. Transhumanism: “It is a cultural, intellectual, and scientific movement that affirms the moral duty to improve the physical and cognitive capacities of the human species, and to apply new technologies to man so that unwanted and unnecessary aspects can be eliminated. of the human condition, such as suffering, disease, aging, and even mortality”

(Nick Bostrom, World Transhumanist Association)

Catalina Restrepo


DADA - Yanieb Fabre & Sébastien Dosantos Capouet


Jardín Particular - Alejandra España